Janet Tonkins

From Humble Beginnings to Real Estate Royalty

Today, Janet Tonkins stands as the “Baltimore Real Estate Diva” and “The Cashflow Diva,” a beacon of success and a testament to the power of determination in the face of adversity. With a vast empire spanning over 100 properties and $700 million in real estate across Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, and beyond, Janet’s influence in the sector is undeniable. Yet, her journey from a child in the segregated South to a multimillionaire real estate mogul is a heroic tale of grit, grace, and relentless ambition. 

Born to impoverished parents with little to their name but hope, Janet grew up in a world where opportunities for young Black Americans were systematically stifled. Life in the segregated South set a ceiling that many believed unbreakable, but Janet was not one to be confined. Fueled by a quiet yet fierce determination, she devoured every book on business and finance she could find, educating herself and paving the path that would lead her from poverty to prosperity. In 1987, a pivotal moment arrived when Janet and her husband, armed with faith and an unwavering resolve, purchased their first home. This wasn’t merely a living space; it was the first domino to fall in what would become a revolutionary career in real estate. Leveraging this initial investment, they created a model of passive income that would one day fund their dreams and set a foundation for generational wealth. 


The move to Baltimore was a strategic step to surround their children with a community of successful, educated, and motivated individuals. It was here that Janet’s career truly flourished. She became known not just for her savvy investments but also for her integrity and commitment to quality, living by the mantra, “I won’t give anyone anything I can’t live in myself.” Beyond her professional achievements, Janet’s life is a reflection of her values. A devout Christian, a dedicated Bible study teacher, and a loving mother and grandmother, she integrates her faith into every aspect of her life and business. 

As a co-founder of ART* Enterprises, LLC, and through her coaching and mentorship programs, she is fiercely dedicated to uplifting others. Janet Tonkins is more than a real estate investor; she is a visionary and a leader, inspiring legions of women to break through barriers and build wealth on their own terms. Her story is a clarion call to all who dare to dream big—reminding us that with belief and the courage to take action, anything is possible.